Richard G. Weissman, C.P.M.

2012 NESCON Supply Chain Hall of Fame Winner

Richard G. WeissmanThe 2012 honoree for NESCONs Supply Chain Hall of Fame Award (the award for outstanding leadership and contribution to the Supply Chain profession) is Richard G Weissman, C.P.M. He has been in the procurement & supply-chain management field for over thirty years. His experience covers:



  • Fortune 500 companies;
  • Medium-sized manufacturing companies, and
  • Internet start-ups.
  • Third-party procurement, consulting, & strategic-sourcing firms
  • He is also involved in the profession as a consultant and educator.
  • And he writes & speaks extensively on issues impacting the global supply chain.

While this length of service alone is a significant accomplishment, this years recipient has also distinguished himself in service to the profession, both on a local and national basis.

  • He received his MS in Management from Leslie University, and a
  • B.A. in Economics from Rutgers University.
  • Also, he received his Purchasing Certification in 1986, and is now recognized as a Lifetime C.P.M.

Currently, Rich is involved in a wide-array of activities. He is:

  • An Assistant Professor for Endicott College, teaching management courses for the School of Business & the Van Loan Graduate School.
  • He is also the Director of Corporate Education at Endicott, which includes the Center for Leadership, Endicott’s mgt development institute.
  • He serves on the:
    • Planning Committee,
    • Technology Committee, and the
    • Institution Review Board.
  • In addition, he is the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Red Cross of Northeast Massachusetts,
  • Is a member of the Board of Directors for Health Quarters,
  • Is on the Economic Restructuring Committee of Beverly Main Streets
  • And is on the Allocations Committee of the United Way of the North Shore.
  • He is a past President of the Beverly Chamber of Commerce and the Purchasing Management Association of Boston.
  • He also was a Board of Director for the ISM Electronics Group

Rich has always been one of the first to volunteer to support our profession when called upon. He frequently conducts presentations for:

  • Multiple years at this New England Supply Chain conference,
  • ISM National and Regional conferences,
  • PMAB,
  • APICS,
  • Local universities, Distance learning universities and a number of private organizations.

In addition to his work with Endicott College, he has served on the faculty of:

  • Northeastern University,
  • the University of Phoenix,
  • Southern New Hampshire University,
  • and Merrimack College among others.


  • He has published two self-study courses for ISM, together with numerous articles on the profession, for a number of professional journals and magazines.
  • He also maintained one of the most active on-line procurement forums called Ask Rich, and
  • Currently blogs through an Endicott College forum on LinkedIn.

In addition, he is one of the key people that helped found and shape this New England Supply Chain conference, back in 2004.

This year’s nomination committee believes that the personal integrity and professionalism that our recipient has consistently exhibited, together with his dedication to our profession throughout his career, place our honoree in great company with the high standards set by our previous NESCON Supply Chain Hall of Fame winners.

Our 3rd Annual Supply Chain Hall of Fame inductee is Richard G. Weissman, C.P.M.