Supply Chain 2030 – What’s Coming!

Supply Chain 2030 – What’s Coming!
Panel Moderated by Kelly Barner

After the last two years, ‘long term planning’ might seem like a fool’s errand.  And yet, the procurement and supply chain leaders that can elevate their perspective above day-to-day challenges, and look at long-term strategic challenges and opportunities, will have a natural advantage when it comes to vision development.  There is a future on the horizon, whether we feel bogged down in the day-to-day or not.  Even though we may not have a high degree of certainty about what it will look like, we still need to allow our vision & imaginations to not be constrained, and look forward and explore the ‘art of the possible.’

In this panel, Buyers Meeting Point Owner and Managing Director Kelly Barner brings together an author, an academic, and an experienced/trusted advisor, to apply their unique perspectives to the complex challenge of imagining and strategically looking at their visions of the future of our profession.  Joe Payne, author of Managing Indirect Spend, Dr. Robert Handfield, Bank of America Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management at North Carolina State University, and Philip Ideson, Managing Director of Art of Procurement will answer live questions about what’s next, and how we can position ourselves for success in the future, through the decisions we make today.


Event Details
  • Start Date
    October 4, 2021 11:45 am
Kelly Barner
Buyers Meeting Point, LLC & Art of Procurement
Event Details
  • Start Date
    October 4, 2021 11:45 am