Partnering with Suppliers During Times of Uncertainty

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Partnering with Suppliers During Times of Uncertainty

The global pandemic of 2020 and 2021 taught us all how interdependent and intertwined our supply chains are. Manufacturing ceased in many industries, logistics providers of both land and sea were disrupted, and businesses and ultimately consumers were impacted. We also learned that slowing our massive global supply chains take years to get back to “normal”. While we will hopefully not have another disrupter to this magnitude anytime soon, there will always be supply chain disruption events going on in the world.

We need to work with our supplier partners in a very personal manner. The business relationships we have are critical and we are highly dependent on them. Optimizing lead times in order to get our products to market faster is vital. Managing logistics complexities can have a direct impact on the financial health of our business. Developing supply agreements that work for both parties is needed to build long-lasting mutually beneficial relationships. These close relationships are critical during smooth times. But they are even more critical during times of uncertainty.

Dan’s primary focus will not just be managing lead times in uncertainty, but also to really dive deeper into the right kind of supplier relationships required to keep your manufacturing flowing smoothly, with real world lessons you can take with you back to the office!

Event Details
  • Start Date
    October 7, 2024 2:05 pm
Dan Raatjes
JSM Equity Advisors
Event Details
  • Start Date
    October 7, 2024 2:05 pm